Operating since 2007, the Observatório do Direito à Comunicação is a website that produces information and stimulates the discussion regarding communication in Brazil.
Held by Intervozes – Coletivo Brasil de Comunicação Social (a brazilian organization for communication rights), the project aims to create monitoring and reflection center on the field of communication, understanding this as a human right. Thereunto, it gathers and makes available reference material on the subject, and monitors the sector's state of the art presenting every day new facts , versions and critical analysis to the readers.
The content produced and assembled in the website deal with the issue of communication in a broad perspective, covering several themes since cultural policies to media property, and also the most recent debate regarding technological convergence and digitalization of media.
Articles, analysis, surveys and exclusive research studies give the public a diverse view on the sector.
A library of documents, research studies, legislation, audio and video files, and also a systematization of reports published in the main specialized vehicles complete the list of what is made available.
Grito AD
Observatório do Direito à Comunicação
Edifício José Severo, sala 511
Quadra 6 – Bloco A – 81
SCS – Asa Sul
Brasília – DF
CEP: 70326-900
Tel: 61 3341.3637
Fundação Ford
* All content by Observatório do Direito à Comunicação team can be reproduced once author and origin are properly mentioned.
* All content reproduced in this website mantains its original copyright.